The mandate of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics is to impart clinical training to the students to diagnose and treat gynecological, obstetrical and fertility problems both in pets, small and large animals. Clinical examination, artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis etc. is performed at farmers’ doorstep during the clinical camps organized by VCC in nearby villages from time to time.
The Department has following sanctioned strength of Faculty:
Professor - 1
Associate Professor – 1
Assistant Professors – 3
Bovine : Applied clinical anatomy and embryology of female reproductive tract - Hereditary and congenital anomalies offemale reproductive tract –Puberty and sexual maturity and their endocrine control- Delayed puberty- Its causes, clinical approach, treatment and prevention of delayed puberty- Applied reproductive physiology and endocrinology of oestrous cycle- Oestrous cycle and factors affecting the length of the oestrous cycle-Aberrations of oestrus and their clinical management and problems in oestrus detection and oestrus detection aids –Transportation and survivability of gametes in female reproductive tract-Follicular Dynamics and its clinical impact on fertility improvement- ovulation and aberrations of ovulation-Incidence causes, diagnosis treatment and prevention of ovulatory failures- Fertilization and aberrations of fertilization- Fertilization failures - embryonic mortality-incidence, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention – Pathological affections of ovary, uterine tubes, uterus, cervix , vagina and external genitalia – Clinical management of specific and non-specific forms of infectious infertility- Role of nutrition, climate and stress on reproductive efficiency - Managemental causes of infertility- Anoestrus and repeat breeding syndrome - Diagnostic procedures in infertility investigation – Clinical uses of hormones and drugs in the management of infertility- Surgical procedures for correction of abnormalities of the female reproductive tract. Herd reproductive health management and fertility parameters in individual animals and in herds. Assisted reproductive techniques: Synchronization of estrus and ovulation and its principle. methodology and implications- Multiple ovulation and Embryo transfer technology-In vitro fertilization. Equines: oestrous cycle- Seasonality- breeding management- Aberrations of oestrous cycle and ovulations- Techniques of Pregnancy diagnosis- Clinical management of specific and non-specific forms of infectious infertility- Diagnostic procedures in infertility investigation Ovines and caprines: oestrous cycle- Seasonality- Control of oestrous cycle and infertility Swines : oestrous cycle- breeding management- Techniques of Pregnancy diagnosis and infertility Canines and Felines : oestrous cycle- breeding management- Phantom pregnancy- Medical termination of pregnancy – Aberrations of oestrous cycle- Medical and surgical management of affections of ovary, uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia – Methods of Population control by medical and surgical techniques. Comparative reproductive events in camel Principle, procedure and application of ultrasonography in farm and pet animal reproduction.
Farm and pet animals - Maternal recognition of pregnancy – Applied Endocrinology of pregnancy – Pregnancy diagnosis- Duration of pregnancy -Factors affecting gestation length- Care and management of pregnant animals- Implantation, Placentation- Classification, functions –Wandering of ovum- Telegony- Superfetation and
Superfecundation – Clinical management of specific and non specific causes of abortion, extra uterine pregnancy, dropsy of fetal membranes and fetus, mummification, maceration, cervicovaginal prolapse, uterine torsion and hysterocele. Parturition- Signs of approaching parturition - Stages of parturition - Initiation and induction of parturition - lactational disorders - Puerparium and factors affecting puerparium - Postpartum care of the dam and neonate in different species of farm and pet animals - Dystocia – Classification - Clinical signs and diagnosis - Handling of Fetal and maternal dystocia – Obstetrical interventions - Mutation – Forced extraction – Fetotomy – Cesarean section in small and large animals – Maternal obstetrical paralysis - Retention of fetal membranes, Total uterine prolapse and common metabolic diseases of puerperal period – Post partum hemorrhage – Sub involution of placental sites - Injuries incidental to parturition - Post partum uterine infections – Post partum resumption of ovarian activity.
Farm and pet animals - Comparative clinical reproductive anatomy and endocrinology of the male reproduction - Common congenital and genetic defects of the ale reproductive tract – Puberty and sexual maturity and factors affecting them - Sexual behaviour and libido - Sperm transport, erection and ejaculation - Coital injuries and vices in male animals - Semen and ejaculate – Semen collection techniques- Structure of Spermatozoa - Semen evaluation - Semen extenders, dilution, reservation and post thaw evaluation - Artificial insemination techniques in farm and pet animals - Forms of male infertility - Impotentia coeundi and impotentia generandi – Affections of the scrotum, testis, accessory sex glands, penis and prepuce - Breeding soundness evaluation of bull – In vitro tests for evaluation of male
fertility - Medical and surgical techniques for population control of the male reproduction – Surgical procedure on the male reproductive tract in farm and pet animals.
Study of female genital organs using slaughter house specimens- Oestrus detection aids - Techniques of rectal palpation of female reproductive tract - Gynaecological equipment and instruments -Vaginal exfoliative cytology and vaginoscopy- Ultrasonography of female reproductive tract - Surgical procedures on the vulva, vagina and uterus-Study of pathological specimens of female genital tract- Demonstration and practice of ovario-hysterectomy and panhysterectomy- Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in female animals
Study of pelvis and pelvimetry- Pregnancy diagnosis-Study of foetal membranes of domestic and pet animals -and identification of normal and abnormal foetal membranes-Approaching signs of parturition- Stages of parturition- Approach to an obstetrical case- Obstetrical anaesthesia - obstetrical instrument and equipment - Manipulation of foetal malpresentation in phantom boxes - Maternal causes of dystocia and its management-Fetotomy in cadavers, Demonstration of forceps elivery and Caesarean section in small and large animal clinical cases. Handling of prolapse of genitalia.
Study of male genital organs using slaughter house specimens- Techniques of rectal palpation of the male reproductive tract- Andrological and AI equipment -Vasectomy and castration -Surgical procedures on penis, prepuce and scrotum- Planning and organization of AI centre-Preparation of teaser animals -Selection, care, training and maintenance of male animal used for breeding purpose-Techniques of semen collection-Semen evaluation techniques -Sterilization, storage of
equipment used for semen collection and Artificial insemination-Preparation of extenders and extension of semen- Preservation of semen-Thawing of semen and technique of AI-Handling and maintenance of LN2 containers. Diagnostic procedures in investigation of infertility in male animals-Breeding soundness evaluation of bulls- Oestrus synchronization procedures- Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer- In Vitro Fertilisation.