Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Education: Department offers courses in extension education rural sociology, transfer technology, livestock economics, marketing and entrepreneurship, radio talks, planning and organization of group discussions so that farmers can adopt modern techniques in livestock rearing. Camps are organized in nearby villages in collaboration with clinical departments so as to outreach the farmers and educate them about improving their economic status through livestock health management.
The Department has following sanctioned strength of Faculty:
Professor - 1
Associate Professor – 1
Assistant Professors – 1
History of domestication and their social dimensions. Evolution and relationship between agriculture and animal husbandry. Farming and characteristics of farming in India. Classification of farming, types and systems. Peasant farming, cooperative farming, collective farming, contract farming, estate farming, organic farming, capitalistic farming, small-scale farming, large-scale farming, intensive, extensive farming, specialized, diversified, mixed, integrated and dry land farming. Role of animals in the contemporary society.
Early extension efforts in India. Types of education: Formal, non-formal and informal education. Extension education: Concept, levels, objectives and dimensions. Principles, philosophy and functions of extension education. Teachinglearning process and steps in extension teaching. Concept of need and its types. Rural development - Concept, significance and importance of rural development programmes for poverty alleviation. Problems and Issues in development. Panchayati Raj System.
Concept of sociology and rural sociology in animal husbandry extension. Culture: definition, elements, change, impact on production systems. Basic sociological concepts - society, community and association. Rural society: characteristics and differences among society, community and culture. Characteristics and differences among tribal, rural and urban communities. Social control: concept and means of social control (techniques, folkways, taboos, mores and laws). Social stratification: definition, forms and characteristics (caste system and class system). Social institutions in rural society: Social, economic, political, religious and educational (definition, composition and function). Social change: concept, importance and factors. Social groups: different groups, classification of social groups and their characteristics. Leadership: definition, functions of leader, types of rural leaders, Key communicators and their role in the animal husbandry extension.
Technology- Concept, generation process, application, merits and de-merits. Adoption and diffusion of innovations, stages of adoption, adopter categories, Innovation decision process, attributes of innovations, diffusion process, factors affecting adoption and diffusion processes. Programme planning- principles, objectives and steps. Evaluation of extension programme, constraints in the adoption of scientific animal husbandry practices. Role of extension agents in diffusion of livestock innovations. Cattle and buffalo improvement programmes: Key Village Scheme, Intensive Cattle Development Project, Gosadan and Gaushala. Dairy development programmes: concept of cooperation, Rochdale principles of cooperation, objectives of cooperative, Amul pattern of dairy cooperative system and Operation Flood. Transfer of technology projects of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR): Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) etc. Different ongoing central and state government animal husbandry development programmes being run related to sheep, goat, poultry, piggery, fodder production etc.
Communication and its functions. Basic concepts: communication fidelity, communication gap, time lag in communication, empathy, homophily and heterophily, propaganda, publicity, persuasion and development communication. Types of communication: Intrapersonal, interpersonal, verbal, non- verbal, vertical, Horizontal, organizational communication etc. Elements of communication: Communicator, message, channel, treatment of message, audience, and audience response (feedback). Barriers of communication. Individual contact methods: Farm and home visit, farmer’s call, personal letter, adaptive or minikit trial, farm clinic etc. Group contact methods: Result demonstration, method demonstration, group meeting, training, field day or farmers’ day, study tour etc. Mass contact
methods: Farm publications (leaflet, folder, pamphlet, booklet, bulletin, farm magazine, newsletter etc.), mass meeting, campaign, exhibition, newspaper, radio, television, mobile short message service. Selection and use of extension teaching methods.
Introduction to Economics and Livestock Economics: definition and scope (production, consumption, exchange and distribution). Basic concepts- wants, goods, wealth, utility, price, value, assets, capital, money, income etc. Important features of land, labour, capital and organization. Theories of demand, supply and cost. Theories of production (law of diminishing return, increasing return, constant return and return to scale). Concept of market: market, market structure and classification of markets. Market price and normal price, price determination under perfect competition in short and long run. Marketing functions: meaning and their classification (packaging, transportation, grading, standardization, storage and warehousing, processing and value addition, buying and selling, market information, financing, risk bearing, minimization of risks (speculation and hedging). Marketing agencies, institutions and channels for livestock and livestock products. Government interventions and role in marketing of livestock and livestock products. External trade in livestock products, recent policies on trade and international trade agreements and their implications in livestock sector.
Definition of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, enterprise and manager. Difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, entrepreneur and enterprise, entrepreneur and manager. Theories of entrepreneurship: Sociological theory, economic theory, cultural theory, psychological theory. Types, characteristics and functions of an entrepreneur. Forms of entrepreneurship: (Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, cooperative, joint stock company, Private and Public Limited Company). Introduction to financial management: concept, function, analysis of financial statement, sources of capital (banks, venture capitals, etc.). Project appraisal- Introduction, importance, techno-economic feasibility, criteria of project evaluation (discounted and non-discounted), capital budgeting, etc. Business plan for enterprise. Institutions promoting entrepreneurship in India. Entrepreneurship development programmes. Accounting: objectives, common terms. Personnel management-identification of work, job analysis, division of labour etc. Resource management- organization aspect of livestock farms, resources and procurement of inputs and financial resources, breakeven-analysis etc.
Strengths and limitations of ICTs application in livestock sector and farmers capacity building. Information kiosk, Elearning, CAD, virtual class room, virtual reality, multi-media etc. Cyber extension- problems and prospects in livestock extension. Computer networking: (LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet, tele-conferencing, tele-text, radio-text, video-text, interactive cable distribution system, satellite communication, internet, www, etc.).
Gender and animal husbandry- definition, difference between gender and sex, role of women in animal husbandry, gender sensitization, importance of gender sensitization in animal husbandry, need for gender analysis, gender budgeting and mainstreaming. Salient features of recent livestock census, livestock nsurance scheme, national livestock mission. Sustainability- concept of sustainability of livestock production system (social, environmental and economic challenges faced). Introduction to environmental consequences of livestock rearing. Animal welfare: Introduction to animal welfare, ethics and rights. Importance of animal welfare in the contemporary society. Expectations from veterinary professionals.
UNIT-1 Tools of data collection: Preparation of instrument for conducting social survey; Visit to nearby village: Conducting social survey for assessment of farming system and constraints; Data analysis and reporting; Organizing demonstration for farmers; identification of key communicators by Socio-metric method; amiliarization with audiovisual aids; Principle and use of projectors; Preparation of Radio Script Preparation of Television script; Preparation and use of poster; Preparation and use of chart; Preparation and use of flash cards; Preparation and use of farm publications for extension work; Planning and organizing an awareness campaign (Health and Production); Planning and organization of animal health camps; Exercise on rapid rural appraisal (RRA).; Exercise on participatory rural appraisal (PRA) technique; Planning and organization of group discussion.
Rules of debit and credit in livestock business transactions. Journal Entry and Ledger Posting. Writing of Cash Book. Balancing and preparation of final accounts. Exercise on calculation of depreciation. Visit to commercial enterprises of livestock production. Preparation of dairy entrepreneurial project report. Preparation of sheep and goat entrepreneurial project report. Preparation of poultry entrepreneurial project report. Preparation of piggery or rabbit entrepreneurial project report. Techno-economic feasibility report. Exercise on Break-even analysis. Exercise on BCR, IRR and NPW. Case study of successful entrepreneurial project. Visit to livestock market. Visit to livestock fair. Exercise on economics of diseases
Paper-I 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 100 20
Paper-II 6, 7, 8,and 9 100 20
Paper-I 1 60 20
Paper - II 2 60 20